[Yes, I did endure this cinematic atrocity so that you wouldn’t have to. You’re welcome.]

Furry. Obviously.
Vore. Perpetrated during Rebel Wilson’s extremely disturbing musical number.
Feet. Amidst all of the animal attributes on display, the "paws" remain noticeably humanoid.
Exhibitionism. Several cats wear clothing; they also frequently remove said garments, revealing every contour of their anthropomorphized bodies. Particularly blatant in Idris Elba’s case.
CBT. The filmmakers attempt—unsuccessfully—to disguise this one as “slapstick comedy.”
Humiliation. I certainly hope that Elba and Dame Judi Dench are a little embarrassed by their work here, anyway. Not Sir Ian McKellen, though; ever the consummate professional, he embraces the absurdity of the premise... and has an absolute blast.